" Peter Kelley is the most gifted teacher of any kind that I have ever had in my entire life. His dedication to his profession is remarkable. I began my acting career late in life but thanks to Peter I have made amazing progress and have enjoyed considerable success in Boston and New York both in film and in theater"

– Dave Dwyer
(seen here in Sporting Dog)



take a look at your fellow actors' web presence...

Steve Belanger
Thomas Benton
Anjali Bhimani
Naya Chang
Kevin Cirone
Christine Clayburg
David Chappell
Chris Coffey
George Danno

Alan Dary
Paul Dimilla
Elizabeth Dings
Daiva Dupree
Kimbette Fenol
Don Foley
Junko Goda
Eryn Green
Brad Holbrook
John Keating
Bobby (Robert) Kelly
Tom "of Maine" Olson
Alicyn Packard
Barry Phillips
Peter Postiglione
Erin Roberts
Mauricio Sanchez
Roya Shanks
Bree Sharp
Webb Tilney
Kris Van Nest
Michael Walker

Don't see your name here? That's because we're still waiting for your site link! So click on "Contact Peter" and let us know where you're at, web-wise.



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